Earn more
A customer (literally) always there to buy your excess energy
Reap the benefits of selling everything your power plant generates…
Generate max energy
Never again generate less than full capacity.
Earn more profits
We’ll buy your excess energy at a great price. Guaranteed.
Never lose tax credits
Earn all credits by producing all you can & selling it without any losses.
Crack the code
Discover new ways to sell your renewable energy.
Experience grid stability
Always have the right amount of energy flowing through the system.
Ramp it up or down
Enable the grid to easily handle spikes in energy demand or production.
As seen in:

Most data centers...
Need to be powered every hour of every day. Requires loads of energy to keep the building cool. Demands huge internet bandwidth to power real-time apps like Netflix & Zoom. Requires power-hungry, heavy-duty generators to keep systems running 99.999% of the time. Are extremely expensive to build & run. Take several months-to-years to build. And occupies heaps of land to achieve everything above.
Soluna's data centers...
Are 100% green. Wake up quickly based on demand. Only need to be up 95% of the time. Are air-cooled so more of the power is available for computing. Only need limited bandwidth to perform all their functions. Cost 1/10 the price of mainstream data centers. Are up and running in 6 months. A 3-acre parcel can power a 25 MW facility.
How we accomplish this…
Our data centers fit together like Lego® blocks
Can easily expand to consume 100+ megawatts—leaving no excess electrons behind
Can ramp up-or-down to match energy demands—in minutes
Air-cooled buildings means more power available for computing-intensive applications. Which also means, we use more of your excess energy—up to 1.5 megawatts.
We use sensor-fusion technology to automate, monitor & proactively maintain systems. Skilled technicians are also available to keep systems running & humming.
It’s easier than you think to turn a problem into a benefit
Curtailment can cost up to 30% of annual revenue, due to lost revenues from PTC, RECs, & PPAs.
Schedule an assessment
and we will estimate the
additional revenue your
project will earn from
Soluna’s Data Centers
All we’ll need to get started:
- Signed MNDA
- Three years of data from historic production in five minute intervals – to simulate the load of the data center
- Locational marginal prices for the site
- Curtailment overview